Childhood Illness Policy

Effective January 1, 2003
Updated February 2023

Children are more susceptible to communicable diseases and illnesses; it is important that staff and parents follow strict control practices. As a result we have created the following policy using both Community Services and Public Health Services Guidelines. Please read over the following information carefully as it will be strictly enforced.

To effectively care for sick children and to minimize infection to others Daydreams Childcare Center will follow the following guidelines when dealing with an ill child:

  • Identify symptoms of illness promptly
  • Isolate children who may be infectious
  • Ensure ill children receive appropriate care while in the center
  • Communicate concern to parents
  • Ask parents to see a doctor if child has symptoms of an infectious illness or shows no improvement within 24 hours
  • Ensure parents keep ill children home until they are feeling well and free of symptoms

Common signs and symptoms for infection that we look for when identifying ill children are:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Rashes
  • Colds and Coughs


Daydreams Childcare will only administer perscription medication upon written concent from the parents.  A new concent form will be needed for any new medication.  Perscriptions must be in the original container, with a readable lable.

Center staff are authorized to dispense non-perscription medicine only after a form is completed by parent and is accompanied by a doctors note.

Children who have had medication in the last 24 hours that could mask signs of illness (ie. fever reducers such as Tylonel and Advil) are not able to attend the center.

Based on Guidelines for Communicable Disease Control in Daycares (prepared by Public Health Services) we divide communicable illness into four categories:

1. Respiratory

Most common: coughs and colds

  • Spread via respiratory tract when infected persons sneeze or cough
  • Symptoms: fever, earache, listlessness, difficulty breathing or persistent coughing

*Children with only mild symptoms who can take part in all activities of the program will be accepted, but children with fever, earache, listlessness, difficulty breathing or persistent coughing, will be sent home.

Fever is defined as any temperature than is higher than normal, with normal body temperature being 37 C (98.6 F)

If a child cannot participate in activities due to fever they will be sent home.

2. Gastrointestinal

Most common: diarrhea, vomiting

  • Spread via fecal-oral route
  • Symptoms: abdominal cramps, fever and nausea

Diarrhea is defined as any change from child’s normal stool (i.e. solid or semi-solid to liquid, or semi-liquid state)

  • Children with more then one instance of diarrhea in a day and any child who is vomiting WILL BE SENT HOME and must stay home for 24 hours AFTER THE DIARRHEA or VOMITING has COMPLETELY STOPPED.

Please remember that while some children may only have minor symptoms the children they infect could end up becoming seriously ill.

3. Rashes

A rash can be symptom of many communicable diseases and one rash may be difficult to distinguish from another.

Rashes are spread through physical contact, through the air, and through contact with fecal matter.

Some rashes are not infectious, such as eczema or heat rash. For these your child will not be sent home.

But for any other rashes you will be required to come pick up your child immediately. Your child will not be able to return to the center until the rash in completely gone or you have written notice from a doctor stating that the rash is not contagious.

4. Other Illnesses

When a child is unable to participate in the program due to any of the following symptoms they will be sent home and you will need to keep them home until they are able to participate in all areas of the program. These symptoms include: fever, listlessness, excessive sleepiness and excessive fussiness or crankiness or otherwise unusual behavior.

Please refer to the following Communicable Disease Chart for Illnesses, symptoms and infectious periods and exclusion information.

Guidelines for Communicable Disease Control in Daycares, is available for you to read. Ask your child’s teacher if you would like to borrow a copy.

Parent Agreement

Childhood Illness Policy Agreement

We urge you to read the above manual carefully. It is extremely important that you understand the policies, which serve as guidelines in the operation of this center. After you have read over the Manual, please sign the parent agreement, detach it and return it to your child’s teacher to be placed in their file.

I have read the Childhood Illness Policy for Daydreams Childcare Center and agree to abide by the policies and procedures found within.

Alternate printable Childhood Illness Policy Form  you can sign and return.

Communicable Disease Chart




Infectious Period


Chicken Pox

Person to person virus present in respiratory secretions and fluid in blisters

Fever. Raised red itchy spot-like rash that turns into blisters then scabs. Mainly on face and body.  Symptoms can appear 2-3 weeks after exposure.

Up to 5 days before rash appears until all scabs are dry


Until 5 days after unset of rash or until all scabs are dry


(Pink Eye)

Person to person by direct and indirect contact with discharge from eye

Redness, itching, pain, discharge from the eye, swelling of eyelid

For duration of illness, or 24 hours after treatment started and improvement noted

Yes, until seen by doctor to confirm.  

No exclusion for viral, bacterial must be treated for 24 hours before returning.

Fifth Disease

Person to person through respiratory secretions

Mild cold symptoms, Low grade fever, flu like symptoms, “slapped cheek” facial rash, spreads to truck, lacy rash on arms and legs

Before onset of rash. 1 –3 days


Hand, foot and mouth disease

Person to person. Virus present in nose, throat and stool

Fever, headache, sore throat, rash. Red spots with small blisters may appear, esp. on hands, feet and inside of mouth.

1 – 2 weeks from onset of illness


Until healthy enough to take part in all activities

Head Lice

Person to person through direct contact with infected personal items

Itchy scalp. Small silvery eggs attached to base of hairs near the root


Until treated appropriately


Until treated and all lice/nits are gone

Rotavirus & Norovirus (Most common cause of diarrhea & vomiting in childcare centers)

Person to person through contact with stool or vomit.  Virus can live on surfaces for weeks.  Good handwashing is essential to prevent spreading

Unwell with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.  Can have fever, chills, fatigue, body aches and headache.

Infectious when they are experiencing symptoms.


Until diarrhea and/or vomiting is no longer present. Children can return to school 24 hours after their last symptom.

Strep Throat

Person to person bacteria in respiratory secretions.

Sudden high fever, severe sore throat. Rough sunburn-like rash(below ears then spreads to body)

From onset of symptoms until 24-48 hours after treatment has begun with antibiotics


Until 24-48 hours after treatment has begun


Person to person by direct contact or touching objects that are contaminated by germs.  Symptoms can appear 7-10 days after exposure

Red bumps or blisters that appear in cluster around the nose, mouth or other exposed surfaces.  Blisters may be wet or have a honey colored crust.

From onset of rash until 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has started.


Until 24 hours after treatment.



Contact Us • 28 & 34 Bluewater Rd, Bedford, NS • (902) 835-5437 •